You will only have ~ half the period to illustrate your poster, come prepared with content for the stage diagrams and illustrations.
•In table groups you will be assigned a possible stellar life cycle to explain through a colored diagram that illustrates and explains the star’s origin (birth) to end point (death) and all of the stages in between.
•I will grade your poster (20 pt proj/test) using a SUBJECTIVE Rubric (=I will grade based on what I see and how much I like it!). The components I will grade (5-0 points each) are as follows:
–Content; does your poster explain both visually and through labels the life cycle of your star type? Describe what is happening to the star in at least 5 stages
–Illustration Quality; do the diagrams/drawings/lettering show attention to detail to produce a legible, colorful and neat poster? I like student generated illustrations best photocopies or print outs won’t earn more than a 3 for this category. You will not be able to print images from class.
–Cooperative Group; did I observe all members working constructively to complete the poster in the very short time frame provided?