Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Portfoio Assignment Notes

The first week of term three I described the asignment note coversheet assignment for your senior year's graduation portfolio requirements.  The official assignment for credit this year is through your Humanities class due on December 3rd. 

I demonstrated how to find the electronic document for the assignment note coversheet in Ms. Sotomayor's outbox in the Teacher Desk.  I stressed the importance of completing an assignment note cover sheet for an assignment in each of your classes WAY BEFORE 12/3/2010.  The actual written assignment is fairly short and mostly based on your opinion; these will be notes you reference for the senior graduation portfolio.   The tricky part is getting each of your teachers and advisor to sign your assignment note coversheets. 

I am available to sign assignment note coversheets during my office hours, see office hours tab posted on this blog.

I have not given a regular homework assignment for two periods and the next homework assignment won't be until next week.


Assignment Notes Cover

Student Name:
Title of Assignment:
Date of Assignment:
Outcomes:  (Check off the ones that apply)

1.1 Communicator: Writing

3.1 Creative Thinker

1.2 Communicator: Reading

3.2 Critical & Reflective Thinker

1.3 Communicator: Oral Language

4 Cooperative Worker

2 Problem Solver & Self Directed Learner

5 Respectful and Responsible Citizen

Teacher Signature                                                                            

Describe the assignment:

What did you learn from the assignment that was meaningful to you?