Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Assignment Notes for Grad. Portfolio

Choose an Earth Science assignment in which you feel you grew or need to grow in, you have scored evidence related to the assignment and complete ALL of the following.  This is due for all classes by 12:40 PM on Friday 4/15/11

Assignment Notes Cover

Student Name:
Title of Assignment:
Date of Assignment:
Outcomes:  (Check off the ones that apply)

1.1 Communicator: Writing

3.1 Creative Thinker

1.2 Communicator: Reading

3.2 Critical & Reflective Thinker

1.3 Communicator: Oral Language

4 Cooperative Worker

2 Problem Solver & Self Directed Learner

5 Respectful and Responsible Citizen

Teacher Signature                                                                            

Describe the assignment:

What did you learn from the assignment that was meaningful to you?