Finish the Igneous Mini lab hw component if your group did not finish in class:
- Using the igneous rock samples provided, carefully observe the following characteristics of each rock:
- Color(s)
- Grain size and crystal type if observable
- Texture
- Design a rough data table in your notebook to record your observations/data.
- On paper to turn in each of you will need to make a ruled data table with observations
- Answer the five analysis questions as homework
- Classify your rock samples as extrusive or intrusive. You may answer these in an additional column on your data table.
- What physical characteristics do the extrusive rocks have? How do they differ?
- “ “ intrusive rocks ” “
- Classify your rock samples as felsic, intermediate, mafic or ultramafic. You may answer these in an additional column on your data table.
- What are the names of the samples you examined? See pages 107,108 & 920 in your textbook at home.
Even on 4/26 Odd on 4/27