Monday, January 31, 2011

EMP log 6, EMP poster and individual log entries

EVEN classes EMP poster, EMP individual work log and illustration WCP(s) due at start of class 2/2/11 as a hard deadline.  Earth Moon test next Tuesday 2/8/2011, consider all notebooks approved for this test if you do not have photocopies of notes and all loose papers are pasted into the notebook.

ODD classes EMP poster, EMP individual work log and illustration WCP(s) due at start of class 2/3/11 as a hard deadline.  Earth Moon test next Tuesday 2/9/2011, consider all notebooks approved for this test if you do not have photocopies of notes and all loose papers are pasted into the notebook.

Final EMP log entry (#6):
1)  What did each member of your group do towards completion of the poster today?  2)  Did (or Does) your group need to meet outside of class?  Explain.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

EMP log 5, EMP Poster work and EM test date

EVEN day classes; logs will be due with the poster on Wednesday 2/2/2011
ODD day classes; logs will be due with the poster on Thursday 2/3/2011

Log entry #5
-What quadrants still need work?
-How will your group address computer generated tables/charts/graphs/titles?
-How will your group complete the WCP?  one/group = A -OR- one/person = B
-If your group is behind at meeting daily work goals (you will only have ~30 minutes next class); when and where will your group meet to complete the poster.
-What did each member of your group do towards completion of the poster today?

If your group was not meeting daily production goals you will need to meet outside of class to complete the poster.  This is a cooperative group project so you should make every effort to meet as a group to work on the poster outside of class.   My after school office hours on Tueday 2/1/2011 would be an ideal meeting place for groups.

The Earth Moon System test will be early during the second week of February.  Students do not need to have notebooks approved for this test; I will explain more as the test date approaches.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Earth resources 2 & EMP log 4

EVEN Classes DUE 1/27/11
ODD classese DUE 1/28/11

Based on earlier hw readings:  1) What are fossil fuels? and give three examples.  2)  What are alternative energy resources?  describe three.

EMP log 4: 
If you have met daily goals your poster should be ~ half way illustrated for all quadrants on the Earth and Moon.  1)  How do you feel about your group's research towards goals in poster production?  What did each member of your group do towards completion of the poster today?

Friday, January 21, 2011


After 1/24/2011 Students have been given 150 of the 300 minutes of in class poster production time.  If students have met daily work goals they should have scale drawings of the earth & moon quartered, scaled interior layers sketched for the matter & interior quadrants and some EQ content sketched into the surface & interaction quadrants.

The poster and illustration WCP will be due in class as a hard deadline on:
EVEN classes 2/2/2011
ODD classes 2/3/2011

Earth resources 1 and EMP log 3

Even day classes due on 1/25/2011

read pages 655-658 & desciribe the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources; give three examples of each.

EMP log 3
1)  How do you feel about your group's plans to illustrate all EQs for all quadrants
2)  What did each member of your group do towards completion of the poster?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Moon read & finish analysis for % oxygen lab

Even day classes, due 1/21/2011  Odd classes due 1/24/2011
Read p 753-767

Finish answering the analysis questions from the lab if you did not finish in class today.
Analysis Questions
  1. Show your calculations for % O2
  2. How does your table’s % O2 compare to the accepted value?  And the class average?
  3. What are potential errors in this experiment and how might they affect your results?
  4. Would using a larger jar or candle change your results?  Explain
5.      "As the altitude of an area increases, the density of the atmosphere decreases." How can this statement be used to explain why it is more difficult to breathe in Denver, which has an altitude of more than 1500 meters, than in Houston, which is at sea level?

Friday, January 14, 2011

atmosphere 2 & EMP 2 & illustration RDs

EVEN classes  due on 1/19/2011
ODD classes due 1/20/2011
Depending on your EMP group's progress towards goals there might be three homework assignments.  After today you have had ~100 minutes of poster time to draw:  the  Earth/Moon circles to scale, circles divided into equal quadrants and an illustrated RD of your EMP research all completed as in class work.
  1. Read p 724-733 
    • Why is the ozone layer important?   
    • What is the evidence of global warming? What causes GW? 
    • What causes acid rain? 
    • How do humans pollute water?
  2. EMP log 2 Be detailed!
    • How do you feel about your group's research for the EMP?
    • What did each member of your group do towards the completion of the poster?
  3. RD of EMP quadrant  illustrations
    •  Use a piece of scratch paper/A4 to make a sketch of how you would like to illustrate your EMP research.
    • Include information for the earth and the moon.  
    • You do not need to be artistic.  Make simple stick figure/cartoon/colorless/sketches of your ideas.  You will discuss these with your group members to help each other with creativity and to coordinate illustration themes between quadrants.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Read 268-277; 1.  What are the layers of the atmosphere? 2.  Describe the three methods by which solar energy is transferred in the atmosphere to the surface of the earth. 

And EMP LOG  1
Describe with detail what each member of your group (self included) did for the emp poster in class today.  You had 50 minutes to do poster work today.

Monday, January 10, 2011

EMP Work Cited Page revisits

The electronic WCPs will be returned to students later this week.  Many students turned in WCPs that earned revisits for one or more of the following reasons:
1) Student turned in a template, not the WCP format as discussed and requried in class.
2) Student did not cite the textbook as required.
3) WCP had numerous instances of no hanging indent and/or WCP not alphabetized

Revisited WCPs should be sent electonically as rich text format file to or printed out and turned to the inbox in class

Semester 1 grade sheets

First semester grades are complete and entered to the school, which should send grade reports home over the next two weeks.  I have given students a paper copy summarizing all of the assignments from first semester and student's grade on the assignment. 

Students should share the grade sheet with a parent/guardian and have the grade sheet signed and returned by 1/21/2011.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Plate tectonics 2

Use the textbook to diagram 4 types of plate boundary into your notebook.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Plate tectonics 1

 Read p 443-454 and do all of the discovery lab on page 443. 

Earth Moon WCP submission

ANYONE not in school 1/4 or 1/5 to turn in research electronically on time.

EMP research documents will be submitted as part of a lesson in class on 1/4 OR 1/5. 

To submit work (lengthy WCPs that could not be finished in class today) to me electronically must follow these steps.
1.  from you research document select the FILE tab (near upper right of document)

2. Select SAVE AS

3.  A new window will open up, look for the SAVE AS TYPE drop down arrow at the bottom of the Window.  Click it and select the rich text format option.

4. Now use the drop down for NAME FILE and rename the file with your research quadrant, intials and period number.  As an example for me, WCPmatterRR5.rtf

5. Save your work

6.  On an email attach the WCP/research and send it to me at  Be sure to include your quadrant, intials and period in the subject line.