Earth Science Course Syllabus

Earth Science    Oceana High School        2010/2011

Course Content:
–Mapping & Measurement –Cosmic origins –Planetary origins –Earth & Moon System –Geology & Meteorology –Geologic Time –Natural Resources & California Geology

Course Format

1.      In general each class period includes debriefing of homework assignments, a teacher directed lesson and guided student-centered activities.  Students will use a science notebook for taking notes, completing assignments, tracking due dates and organizing all course work done in Earth Science.  The notebook will serve as a primary study guide for unit tests.

2.      Earth Science is structured around individual and cooperative group projects supported by reading, discussion, lecture, activities, research, and presentations.  In our classes the student is worker and the teacher is coach with an emphasis on exploring concepts and problem solving

3.      There will be integrated 9/10 House Projects during the course of the year.  Curriculum and grades for these projects will be shared in both the Humanities and Science classes.

4.      Each student will hone digital technology skills and interpersonal communication skills through individual and group presentations.

5.      Any missed work or test will have to be made up outside of class within one week on return from an excused absence.  Arrangements for make-up work will be the sole responsibility of the student. When the district web based program is operational students and parents will be able to view Online postings of regular homework assignments, in class assignment scores and student grades.  Until that time I can respond to grade/work inquires by email at 

-Every term a teacher generated grade sheet for Science will be sent home to inform parent/ guardian(s) about student performance.  The science grade sheet is sent home about a week before the school mails out progress reports or semester grades.   In class the grade sheets are debriefed so that students can discuss their grade with their parents/guardians.

                ESSENTIAL                                                                                       RECOMMENDED          
                100 page College Ruled Composition Notebook (1/semester)         scientific calculator (strongly recommended)
                pen or pencil                                                                                          Glue stick and small scissors
                                                                                                                small set of markers or colored pencils
Grading System
Assignments each Term
% weighted

Grading scale

A   90-100%
Homework/Class work       

B   80-89%

C   70-79%
Cumulative Semester Grade
Term 1+2+3

D   60-69%

F     <60%

9/10 House Norms

The purpose of norms is to provide a safe learning environment that is pleasant and effective for both the teacher and students. 
Classroom Norms:
Late policy: Student is late once teacher begins class. Student loses attendance/citizenship points for the day they are tardy, and after three tardies, the student owes the teacher or house one lunch period of detention.
Food/Drink: No food is allowed during class. Water is allowed, but only if students take care to recycle their empty containers; otherwise water privileges may be revoked.
Classroom Pass: Science students are allowed one bathroom pass per week. Students who leave the classroom above the designated number of times forfeit their privileges for the next week.  Each teacher will set the form and specific rule governing bathroom passes.
Speech: No profanity or unsafe language is allowed in the classroom. First time-teacher warning; 2nd- referral to special services counselor; 3rd- referral to Vice Principal.  
Miscellaneous: District & State policies do not allow any Personal Electronic Devices in the classroom.  If PEDs are a disruption in class, they will be taken away and given to the V.P.   Confiscated PEDs will be returned when the parent/guardian meets with the V.P.  The school and teacher are not responsible for missing, lost or stolen PEDs.  If you have a cell phone turn it off during the school day and keep it in your pocket.
Assessment Norms:  Late work: assignments may be turned in late no more than one class period after the due date and will earn a maximum of 90% credit. Verified cuts result in no credit for missed class.  Revisits must be turned in within one class period of the revisit grade or on large assignments within one week.  Revisits must show a significant change or attempt by the student as suggested by teacher feed back.  Students are only allowed revisits if they make a serious attempt at the assignment as initially assigned.  An un-revised assignment is worth 60% of the total points.  Incompletes any assignment that is not complete will earn at maximum 50% of the total points; students will have until the start of the next class to earn 90% of the total points if the assignment is completed.
Teacher Norms:
Teachers will return major assignments within two weeks of the due date.   Most work turned in will be graded and returned within a period or two.
Teachers will follow classroom guidelines concerning speech.
Office Hours: (For additional assistance on assignments, grade information, missed work, and further study)
Each teacher will hold lunchtime and after school Office Hours.  A teacher from science, freshmen humanities, and sophomore humanities will be present for office hours. Office hours will be held in designated classrooms. See posted Office Hours schedule in teacher rooms.  Students may attend any House teacher’s Office Hours for help in content or project work.